Yummy Saturday!

Hey guys, so I have not really posted anything today because I have been somehow busy. I’m just going to brief you how my Saturday went.

So I woke up, said my prayers(the regular morning routine), then I washed my clothes, arranged my room and had break fast. I had a really long video call with my big sister about taking some of her clothes and some stuff; also talked to one stubborn human being about putting his life in order😂😂. Took my bath by like to 12 then went out to my friend’s house.

Now, at my friend’s house, we tried making scotch eggs and it came out quite nice I must say.

Here are some pictorial evidence to support my claim:

I think I should post the pictures first before giving a run down on the recipe for the scotch egg

So you boil your eggs and get bread crumbs. Now you get bread crumbs, we bought bread (obviously), toasted it with a frying pan and then blended it with a blender

The eggs are boiled now

This is a mix of blended sausage, a cube of knorr and a little pepper. We run this around the egg to get the reddish looking part of the scotch egg just right after the back

Next step is to roll your sausaged eggs into the bread crumbs

It would look like this…

The next step is to dip your bread crumbed eggs into whisked raw eggs which should come out like this

Then finally you dip fry it…

And this is it… well it doesn’t really look like it from the outside and I think we were supposed to roll the eggs in the bread crumbs after dipping into the whisked raw eggs sha. Anyhow sha it came out really nice and sweet

Take a look

Let me go through the recipes again


Bread (crumbs)


Little seasoning (maggi, salt and pepper)

Oil to fry

The cost of the whole process was not even up to 2000 naira.

This is how my Saturday went, how did yours go?

6 thoughts on “Yummy Saturday!

  1. Inspired to make some.
    I’ll send some pictures when I do
    Thanks for the inspiration and the hunger🤤😏😏🤨


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